
Displaying 1 - 12 of 12

NameYour AffiliationEnter EmailSubjectMessage to the editors of the NewsletterMessage to the Readers of the NewsletterFileEntry IDEntry DateSource URLUser IPUserOther Entries
Alessandra BucossiCa' FoscariEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Three postdoctoral positions of 2 years, renewable for up to another two years

Three postdoctoral positions of 2 years, renewable for up

Valeria Flavia LovatoUniversity of GenevaEmail hidden; Javascript is required.International workshop “The city's finest: exploring notions of "urbanity" between East and West, from antiquity to the Middle Ages” (University of Geneva)

Dear Editors,

I would be most grateful to you if you could add the message below to May's newsletter. Please do not hesitate to write, should anything be unclear or should you require further details.

Many thanks in advance for your time.

Kind regards,


The University of Geneva (Département des Sciences de l’Antiquité,

László HorváthELTE Eötvös József CollegiumEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Conference: Byzanz und das Abendland / Byzance et l’Occident VIII.

Sehr geehrte Frau Professorin Annick Peters-Custot, Sehr geherter Herr Professor Sergei Mariev,

anbei schicke ich Ihnen eine Beschreibung über unsere Konferenzreihe Byzanz und das Abendland im Eötvös-József-Collegium (Budapest). Ich möchte Sie bitten den Text in den Byzantine News Mai erscheinen zu lassen.
Herzlichen Dank im voraus!

Mit herzlichen Grüssen,
László Horváth

Conference: Byzanz und das Abendland / Byzance et l’Occident

Jon C. Cubas DíazUniversität GöttingenEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Conference Programme, 2-3 June 2022: Sung, Written and Painted. The Ἀκάθιστος ὕμνος and Intermedial Compositional Processes in Later Byzantium

Dear Editors,

I would be very grateful if the conference programme was shared.

Many Thanks in advance.

Jon C. Cubas Díaz

Dear colleagues, please find attached the programme of the

Julián BértolaGhent UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Argentine Committee of Byzantine Studies (CAEBiz): 6th Virtual Meeting

On behalf of the Argentine Committee of Byzantine Studies (CAEBiz), I would like to share the invitation to our next activity. In the file attached, you may find the abstracts of the lectures as well.


Christodoulos PapavarnavasAustrian Academy of SciencesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.New Research Project

Dear colleagues, editors of the Byzantine News,

We would like to inform you about the launch of a new research project housed at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna), and we would be grateful if you could include the relevant information in the New Research Projects section of the AIEB newsletter.

Below you may find the abstract and further relevant information.

Thank you in advance and best regards,

Christodoulos Papavarnavas and Carolina Cupane

New Research Project: “Spaces that Matter: Enclosed and Secluded

Floris BernardGhent UniversityEmail hidden; Javascript is required.PhD Fellowship Byzantine Literature at Ghent University

Please add the link to the pdf file in the last words of the message.

Well-qualified candidates are invited to apply for a 4-year

Stavroula ConstantinouCentre for Medieval Arts and Rituals, University of CyprusEmail hidden; Javascript is required.NetMAR Researh Workshop: 'The Arts and Rituals of Pilgrimage' , 26-28 May 2022, CeMAR, University of Cyprus

Could you please post the following announcement in your next issue?
Please direct the words "here" to the respective links in the parenthesis.
Thank you,

The NetMAR project's international research workshop with the title:

Jovana SijakovicInstitute for Byzantine Studies, SASAEmail hidden; Javascript is required.ZRVI website

The Institute for Byzantine Studies of the Serbian Academy

Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Rosik; Prof. Dr. Claudia RappEmail hidden; Javascript is required.University of Wroclaw

Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Pedagogicznych


Claudia Rapp, Andreas RhobyEmail hidden; Javascript is required.University of Vienna

Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

October 2014

Jeffreys, Elizabeth MaryEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Oxford University

Medieval and Modern Languages


NameYour AffiliationEnter EmailSubjectMessage to the editors of the NewsletterMessage to the Readers of the NewsletterFileEntry IDEntry DateSource URLUser IPUserOther Entries